Today, 20th March 2015, there was a Solar eclipse happening and it mainly effected Europe. For people who don't know what a Solar eclipse is, it is where the moon and sun line up so the sun is blocked by the moon.
It was meant to have the main effect at around 9:30am
And I emphasis the meant to part.
Because it was rubbish.
It was meant to turn really dark and cold (it was blimming cold I tell you!) but, it only dimmed down a bit.
As well as that, one of our science teachers was the cutest thing. Right, he had his telescope out and equipment and temperature checker thingies and stuff like that. His smile never went off his face! it was so adorable! He was speaking all sciencey and posh was a let down. He even said it himself.
The main thing that I think (and the cute teacher) thinks didn't work was the weather. It was so cloudy u couldn't even see the sun, let alone the eclipse. It would have been darker, better and easier to see if it wasn't for the dam clouds.
Curse you clouds!
But really, it was like nothing, and the news and everything said it would be great.
I swear weather reporters on the news always gets things wrong?
They do though, don't they?
I just want to say, sorry for not posting in a while, been obsessed with this game on my computer.
And my typing has really been awful.
So, question time
Did you see the Solar eclipse? Do you agree with my (and my teacher's) verdict of it?
I would really like one of you guys these days to answer my question, so comment answers.
One more thing.
Insurgent (the second book in the Divergent series) came out in cinema the other day and I am watching t tomorrow and I am so excited it is unreal! I LOVE Divergent! #fangirling
Hope your all well, speak to you soon!
Bebeabout, signing out xx
Friday, 20 March 2015
Tuesday, 10 March 2015
This blog is literally going to be full of quirky junk.
This is only because I am bored.
And I have some funny stuff to share with you.
So basically, at my Grammar school, there have been these girls on twitter that have made a new account. This account was made to make fun of the teachers in our school. Some of them were photos but most were just comments.
But God were they funny.
They were rude, like really rude, but it was so much better and funnier! It made fun of their name, voice and all of that!
I know you might thing that is so rude and horrid.
It is.
But just imagine your teachers (or old school teachers) getting all these comments made about them . You might have little jokes with your friends about them but imagine if it was put online!
It was the funniest!
I really want to show you them but that would a) really rude b) I would probably get into trouble for posting them again and c) It would show their identity and my school, which isn't good.
If you want to know about the girls that set up the twitter account, they got found out by the head teacher and he read all of them and the all got excluded until June and their parents were with, not so good for them.
But hell was it funny.
And, even better, my history teacher had a photo put on their of him with a MacDonald joke on the caption. He is awesome and he teachers 2 of the girls that had the account. So when the girls come back he is going to make comments to them like,
"You making a meal out of that?"
"Do you want that large?"
And it will be so funny! You don't even know.
There are loads more jokes were that come from as well.
On the subject of jokes, I have just had a recent phone update. I have a Nokia phone and in the new update, it has this ting called Cortana (Like Siri for IPhones). She is awesome. But the best part of her is her jokes They are so bad, like terrible but that makes them funny. I will give you a few.
I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me.
Have you heard of the band named 1023 megabytes? Of course not, they haven't made it to a gig yet.
Two antennas got married. The ceremony dragged on, but the reception was excellent.
The past, the present and the future walked into a bar. It was tense.
You see what I mean when I say they were so bad they were funny. My favourite is the first one personally. She has loads more jokes by the way.
Anyway, I think I have talked a lot today, so here is the question
Why do seagulls fly over the sea?
Because if they flew over the bay, they'd be bagels
Bebeabout, signing out xxx
This is only because I am bored.
And I have some funny stuff to share with you.
So basically, at my Grammar school, there have been these girls on twitter that have made a new account. This account was made to make fun of the teachers in our school. Some of them were photos but most were just comments.
But God were they funny.
They were rude, like really rude, but it was so much better and funnier! It made fun of their name, voice and all of that!
I know you might thing that is so rude and horrid.
It is.
But just imagine your teachers (or old school teachers) getting all these comments made about them . You might have little jokes with your friends about them but imagine if it was put online!
It was the funniest!
I really want to show you them but that would a) really rude b) I would probably get into trouble for posting them again and c) It would show their identity and my school, which isn't good.
If you want to know about the girls that set up the twitter account, they got found out by the head teacher and he read all of them and the all got excluded until June and their parents were with, not so good for them.
But hell was it funny.
And, even better, my history teacher had a photo put on their of him with a MacDonald joke on the caption. He is awesome and he teachers 2 of the girls that had the account. So when the girls come back he is going to make comments to them like,
"You making a meal out of that?"
"Do you want that large?"
And it will be so funny! You don't even know.
There are loads more jokes were that come from as well.
On the subject of jokes, I have just had a recent phone update. I have a Nokia phone and in the new update, it has this ting called Cortana (Like Siri for IPhones). She is awesome. But the best part of her is her jokes They are so bad, like terrible but that makes them funny. I will give you a few.
I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me.
Have you heard of the band named 1023 megabytes? Of course not, they haven't made it to a gig yet.
Two antennas got married. The ceremony dragged on, but the reception was excellent.
The past, the present and the future walked into a bar. It was tense.
You see what I mean when I say they were so bad they were funny. My favourite is the first one personally. She has loads more jokes by the way.
Anyway, I think I have talked a lot today, so here is the question
Why do seagulls fly over the sea?
Because if they flew over the bay, they'd be bagels
Bebeabout, signing out xxx
Wednesday, 4 March 2015
The Versatile Awards! Woo!
I have been nominated for another award! Can you believe it! My blog isn't that good for awards I mean, seriously!
Anyway, here I am writing a blog for the Versatile Awards listening to Anaconda by Nicki Minaj.
I want to thank Chloe Dream for nominating me for this award and I really appreciate it, like really.
Ok, so here are the boring rules:
I nominate for the award:
Peachy Please...
Just Another Girl
Star Girl
Really hoped you liked reading my 7 "cool" facts. Posting another random blog soon so stay on me!
Bebeabout, signing out xx
Anyway, here I am writing a blog for the Versatile Awards listening to Anaconda by Nicki Minaj.
I want to thank Chloe Dream for nominating me for this award and I really appreciate it, like really.
Ok, so here are the boring rules:
- Thank the blogger who nominated you for the award
- Tell the readers 7 cool facts about yourself
- Finally, nominate 5-15 other bloggers for this awesome award.
- I love writing books, not just reading them, I like writing them about what I would like to read. I normally don't get past 5 or 6 chapters in the book, but at least I try!
- My favourite t-shirt is so unfashionable but is so comfortable. Out of all the fashionable clothes, my baggy, blue t-shirt with New York written on it has to be my favourite. I am more comfortable than fashionable. Although I hate joggers and love jeans...
- I have never had a boyfriend. At age 13 that is terrible. But it is even worse that no one has never asked me out. My theory is it is not because I am ugly and no one likes me, it is because I am so pretty, they are afraid to ask me out. Theory proved right!
- My celebrity crush is Theo James. He is so perfect, his face has been crafted by angels. I have a Divergent poster with him on my wall and my Divergent calendar features just him on May, my birthday month! He is beautiful. He is an American actor who stars Four in Divergent btw. Perfect
- I wake up at 6:50am on school days and leave my house at around 7:45. Random weird fact, not so cool though. I normally wake up the same time at weekends to though, because I got to bed at like 9! Ha!
- I have light brown hair and big dark brown blue eyes. My face is so weird and round though, ugh, I don't like my round face. I have nice red lips though...
- I get scared so easily. If someone is standing in the dark and I walk out my room, I scream at the top of my voice. I if someone comes up behind me and says "boo!", I scream so load. Even a load noise scares me. I get it from my mum, like so many things, she is soooo much more worse than me though! So funny!
I nominate for the award:
Peachy Please...
Just Another Girl
Star Girl
Really hoped you liked reading my 7 "cool" facts. Posting another random blog soon so stay on me!
Bebeabout, signing out xx
Tuesday, 3 March 2015
The Liebster Awards (Again!)
Funnily enough, I have been nominated for the Liebster Awards again! I will definitely do it again because I can and because I really want to so thank you Ella for nominating me again and don't think that I am doing this because I have to, because I don't!
Here are the rules:
Ok, so here are the questions and my answers
What is your favourite quote?
My favourite quote has to be my quote from my blog Motivation, that is:
"Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."
I find this quote awesome because I is about embracing your destiny and fulfilling your goal which is, what I think, life is about.
Who or what made/inspired you to blog?
A few bloggers inspired me but the thing that most inspired me, or shall I say book, was Girl Online by Zoe Sugg which is rated my 4th favourite book in my blog Top 5 of my life. It is awesome, you should read it.
What is your dream job?
I think my dream job would be something easy like a really famous TV presented where you earn loads of money I would also love to be a singer and dancer but, who doesn't, really?!
If you could move to any part of the world right now, where would it be and why?
I would love to move to Australia because it is so pretty and I love their accent and apparently there are loads of really fit boys there so...that is my main reason!
What's your favourite thing to do on a cold rainy day?
I love snuggling up with a book or writing a blog. Being warm and cosy is my number 1 priority on those days!
Are you more of a morning or night person?
I go to bed at latest 10 o'clock, even on weekends which my friends think is weird. the latest I wake up is like 9, but I can't go to bed any later and wake up any later, funnily enough, I have just had a nap because I am so tired!
What is your dream job? have already said this question, so lets go wacky!
A bubble physicist (yes, that is a real thing)!!!
If you had to/could dye your hair, what colour would you dye it?
I love ginger people! You don't even know! I want ginger hair! But I don't think I would suite me so I would go for a reddy-brown kind of colour, I would love that. or blonde...I don't know...a light blonde, kind of browny-blonde, that would be nice.
If you could go back in time, what would you change in your life and why?
I don't know, I am only 13 so I haven't done anything so bad in my life that I want to change yet. I would probably go back to when I was in Year 4 and my older brother was in year 6 so I could persuade my mum to appeal my older brother into the grammar school that I go to know because I know that I her biggest regret of all.
What is your favourite lipgloss/lip balm?
I love BabyLip. My friends know me as the BabyLip girl!
Who was the last person to make you laugh?
Probably my friend with wild curly hair! She took me home from school today and we were talking about McBusted because she is obsessed.
Ok, so now for the bit I stuggle with since like, everyone has done this award! The nominees
I have no idea who these people I nominated are but I nominated them and they stick by the rules!
Hope you enjoyed my Liebster Awards post and please look at the people I nominated and try to read their blogs, emphasising the TRY!
Hope you bog reader are awesome (well you are so there is no need to worry)!
follow me:
Bebeabout, signing out xxx

Here are the rules:
- Thank the person who nominated you and post a link to their blog on your blog.
- Display the Liebster Award badge on your blog
- Answer 11 questions about yourself which will be provided to you by the person who nominated you
- Nominate 4 - 11 blogs that you feel deserve the award and who have less that 200 followers
- Create a list of questions for the blogger to answer
- List these rules in your post and inform the people/ blogs that you nominated that they have been nominated for the Liebster award and provide a link to your post so they can learn all about it.
What is your favourite quote?
My favourite quote has to be my quote from my blog Motivation, that is:
"Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."
I find this quote awesome because I is about embracing your destiny and fulfilling your goal which is, what I think, life is about.
Who or what made/inspired you to blog?
A few bloggers inspired me but the thing that most inspired me, or shall I say book, was Girl Online by Zoe Sugg which is rated my 4th favourite book in my blog Top 5 of my life. It is awesome, you should read it.
What is your dream job?
I think my dream job would be something easy like a really famous TV presented where you earn loads of money I would also love to be a singer and dancer but, who doesn't, really?!
If you could move to any part of the world right now, where would it be and why?
I would love to move to Australia because it is so pretty and I love their accent and apparently there are loads of really fit boys there so...that is my main reason!
What's your favourite thing to do on a cold rainy day?
I love snuggling up with a book or writing a blog. Being warm and cosy is my number 1 priority on those days!
Are you more of a morning or night person?
I go to bed at latest 10 o'clock, even on weekends which my friends think is weird. the latest I wake up is like 9, but I can't go to bed any later and wake up any later, funnily enough, I have just had a nap because I am so tired!
What is your dream job? have already said this question, so lets go wacky!
A bubble physicist (yes, that is a real thing)!!!
If you had to/could dye your hair, what colour would you dye it?
I love ginger people! You don't even know! I want ginger hair! But I don't think I would suite me so I would go for a reddy-brown kind of colour, I would love that. or blonde...I don't know...a light blonde, kind of browny-blonde, that would be nice.
If you could go back in time, what would you change in your life and why?
I don't know, I am only 13 so I haven't done anything so bad in my life that I want to change yet. I would probably go back to when I was in Year 4 and my older brother was in year 6 so I could persuade my mum to appeal my older brother into the grammar school that I go to know because I know that I her biggest regret of all.
What is your favourite lipgloss/lip balm?
I love BabyLip. My friends know me as the BabyLip girl!
Who was the last person to make you laugh?
Probably my friend with wild curly hair! She took me home from school today and we were talking about McBusted because she is obsessed.
Ok, so now for the bit I stuggle with since like, everyone has done this award! The nominees
I have no idea who these people I nominated are but I nominated them and they stick by the rules!
Hope you enjoyed my Liebster Awards post and please look at the people I nominated and try to read their blogs, emphasising the TRY!
Hope you bog reader are awesome (well you are so there is no need to worry)!
follow me:
Bebeabout, signing out xxx
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